Source code for sitchlib.arfcn_correlator

"""ARFCN Correlator."""

import alert_manager
import os
import sqlite3
from utility import Utility

[docs]class ArfcnCorrelator(object): """The ArfcnCorrelator compares ARFCN metadata against feeds and threshold. The feed data is put in place by the FeedManager class, prior to instantiating the ArfcnCorrelator. """ def __init__(self, feed_dir, whitelist, power_threshold, device_id): """Initializing the ArfcnCorrelator. Args: arfcn_db (str): Full path to the ARFCN database. whitelist (list): This is a list of ARFCNs that should be considered trustworthy enough to skip feed comparison. This does not override comparison against threshold. power_threshold (str): No matter the type, it will be coerced, if possible, to float. This is the value that Kalibrate- reported channel power will be compared against to make a determination on whether or not to fire an alarm. """ self.alerts = alert_manager.AlertManager(device_id) self.geo_state = {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0]} self.feed_dir = feed_dir self.arfcn_db = os.path.join(feed_dir, "arfcn.db") self.power_threshold = float(power_threshold) self.observed_arfcn = whitelist self.arfcn_threshold = [] self.arfcn_range = [] return
[docs] def correlate(self, scan_bolus): """Entrypoint for correlation, wraps individual checks. Args: scan_bolus (tuple): Position 0 contains a string defining scan type. If it's type 'gps', the geo_state instance variable will be updated with Position 1's contents. If the scan type is 'kal_channel', we perform feed and threshold comparison. any other scan type will be compared against the feed only. Returns: list: Returns a list of alerts. If no alerts are generated, an empty list is returned. """ retval = [] scan_type = scan_bolus[0] scan = scan_bolus[1] if scan_type == "gps": self.geo_state = scan["location"] arfcn = ArfcnCorrelator.arfcn_from_scan(scan_type, scan) if scan_type == "kal_channel": scan_bolus[1]["location"] = self.geo_state retval.append(scan_bolus) if self.arfcn_over_threshold(scan["power"]): message = "ARFCN %s over threshold at %s / %s. Observed: %s" % ( # NOQA scan["channel"], scan["site_name"], scan["sensor_name"], scan["power"]) alert = self.alerts.build_alert(200, message, self.geo_state) alert[1]["site_name"] = scan["site_name"] alert[1]["sensor_name"] = scan["sensor_name"] alert[1]["sensor_id"] = scan["sensor_id"] retval.append(alert) self.manage_arfcn_lists("in", arfcn, "threshold") else: self.manage_arfcn_lists("out", arfcn, "threshold") feed_alerts = self.compare_arfcn_to_feed(arfcn, scan["site_name"], scan["sensor_name"]) for feed_alert in feed_alerts: feed_alert[1]["site_name"] = scan["site_name"] feed_alert[1]["sensor_name"] = scan["sensor_name"] feed_alert[1]["sensor_id"] = scan["sensor_id"] retval.append(feed_alert) self.observed_arfcn.append(arfcn) return retval
[docs] def manage_arfcn_lists(self, direction, arfcn, aspect): """Manage the instance variable lists of ARFCNs. This is necessary to maintain an accurate state over time, and reduce unnecessary noise. Args: direction (str): Only will take action if this is "in" or "out" arfcn (str): This is the ARFCN that will be moved in or our of the list aspect (str): This is used to match the ARFCN with the list it should be moved in or out of. This should be either "threshold" or "not_in_range". """ reference = {"threshold": self.arfcn_threshold, "not_in_range": self.arfcn_range} if direction == "in": if reference[aspect].count(arfcn) > 0: pass else: reference[aspect].append(arfcn) elif direction == "out": if reference[aspect].count(arfcn) == 0: pass else: while arfcn in reference[aspect]: reference[aspect].remove(arfcn) return
[docs] def arfcn_over_threshold(self, arfcn_power): """Compare the ARFCN power against the thresholdset on instantiation. Args: arfcn_power (float): If this isn't a float already, it will be coerced to float. Returns: bool: True if arfcn_power is over threshold, False if not. """ if float(arfcn_power) > self.power_threshold: return True else: return False
[docs] def compare_arfcn_to_feed(self, arfcn, site_name, sensor_name): """Wrap other functions that dig into the FCC license DB. This relies on the observed_arfcn instance variable for caching, to skip DB comparison, that way we (probably) won't end up with a forever-increasing queue size. Args: arfcn (str): This is the text representation of the ARFCN we want to compare against the FCC license database. Returns: list: You get back a list of alerts as tuples, where position 0 is 'sitch_alert' and position 1 is the actual alert. """ results = [] # If we can't compare geo, have ARFCN 0 or already been found in feed: if (str(arfcn) in ["0", None] or arfcn in self.observed_arfcn or self.geo_state["coordinates"] == [0, 0]): return results else: msg = "ArfcnCorrelator: Cache miss on ARFCN %s" % str(arfcn) print(msg) results.extend(self.feed_alert_generator(arfcn, site_name, sensor_name)) return results
[docs] def feed_alert_generator(self, arfcn, site_name, sensor_name): """Wrap the yield_arfcn_from_feed function, and generates alerts. Args: arfcn (str): This is the string representation of the ARFCN to be correlated. Returns: list: This returns a list of alert tuples. """ results = [] if arfcn is None: return results if not self.match_arfcn_against_feed(arfcn, self.geo_state): msg = "Unable to locate a license for ARFCN %s at %s / %s" % ( str(arfcn), site_name, sensor_name) self.manage_arfcn_lists("in", arfcn, "not_in_range") alert = self.alerts.build_alert(400, msg, self.geo_state) results.append(alert) return results
[docs] @classmethod def arfcn_from_scan(cls, scan_type, scan_doc): """Pull the ARFCN from different scan types. Args: scan_type (str): "kal_channel", "gsm_modem_channel", or "gps". scan_doc (dict): Scan document Returns: str: ARFCN from scan, or None if scan is unrecognized or unsupported. """ if scan_type == "kal_channel": return scan_doc["arfcn_int"] elif scan_type == "gsm_modem_channel": return scan_doc["arfcn"] elif scan_type == "cell": return None elif scan_type == "scan": return None elif scan_type == "gps": return None else: print("ArfcnCorrelator: Unknown scan type: %s" % str(scan_type)) return None
[docs] def match_arfcn_against_feed(self, arfcn, state_gps): """Get a match for the ARFCN within range of the sensor. Args: arfcn (str): Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number Returns: bool: True if there is an ARFCN in range, False if not. """ result = False conn = sqlite3.connect(self.arfcn_db) c = conn.cursor() clean_arfcn = str(arfcn) c.execute("SELECT arfcn, carrier, lon, lat FROM arfcn WHERE arfcn=?", (clean_arfcn, )) # NOQA for result in c.fetchall(): test_set = {"arfcn": result[0], "carrier": result[1], "lon": result[2], "lat": result[3]} if self.is_in_range(test_set, state_gps): result = True conn.close() break return result
[docs] @classmethod def is_in_range(cls, item_gps, state_gps): """Return True if items are within 40km.""" state_gps_lat = state_gps["coordinates"][1] state_gps_lon = state_gps["coordinates"][0] max_range = 40000 # 40km state_lon = state_gps_lon state_lat = state_gps_lat item_lon = item_gps["lon"] item_lat = item_gps["lat"] distance = Utility.calculate_distance(state_lon, state_lat, item_lon, item_lat) if distance > max_range: return False else: return True