Source code for sitchlib.feed_manager

"""Feed Manager."""

import csv
import dateutil
import gzip
import os
import re
import requests
import sqlite3
import time
from datetime import datetime
from feed_schema_translator import FeedSchemaTranslator
from utility import Utility

[docs]class FeedManager(object): """Manage downloading the feed DB, and merging it into the sqlite DB.""" def __init__(self, config): """Initialize FeedManager. Args: config (obj): Configuration object. """ self.mcc_list = config.mcc_list self.state_list = config.state_list self.feed_dir = config.feed_dir self.target_radios = config.feed_radio_targets self.url_base = config.feed_url_base self.cgi_feed_files = [] self.arfcn_feed_files = [] self.born_on_date = self.cgi_db = os.path.join(self.feed_dir, "cgi.db") self.newest_record_file = os.path.join(self.feed_dir, "newest_record") self.arfcn_db = os.path.join(self.feed_dir, "arfcn.db") self.no_feed_update = config.no_feed_update self.db_schemas = config.db_schemas self.db_translate_schemas = config.db_translate_schemas self.apply_mode(config.mode)
[docs] def apply_mode(self, mode): """Adjust FeedManager behavior according to operating mode.""" if mode == 'solo': self.no_feed_update = "SOLO_MODE" return
[docs] def update_feed_files(self): """Wrapper for feed file retrieval routines.""" if (os.path.isfile(self.cgi_db) and self.no_feed_update is not None): # Skip the update process if db exists and config says no update. print("FeedManager: DB exists. NO_FEED_UPDATE is set, " "or you're running in 'solo' mode...") print("FeedManager: Skipping feed update!") return for feed_id in self.mcc_list: feed_file = FeedManager.place_feed_file(self.feed_dir, self.url_base, feed_id) self.cgi_feed_files.append(feed_file) for feed_id in self.state_list: feed_file = FeedManager.place_feed_file(self.feed_dir, self.url_base, feed_id) self.arfcn_feed_files.append(feed_file) print("FeedManager: Finished pulling all feed files") return
[docs] def update_feed_db(self): """Wrapper for feed file reconciliation against DBs.""" last_timestamp = self.get_newest_record_time("cgi") print("FeedManager: Reconciling feed databases. Please be patient...") this_timestamp = FeedManager.reconcile_db({"cgi": self.db_schemas["cgi"]}, # NOQA self.db_translate_schemas["ocid"], # NOQA self.cgi_feed_files, self.cgi_db, self.target_radios, last_timestamp) self.set_newest_record_time("cgi", this_timestamp) # This is specifically for FCC feeds, but the underpinnings exist # for others last_timestamp = self.get_newest_record_time("arfcn") this_timestamp = FeedManager.reconcile_db({"arfcn": self.db_schemas["arfcn"]}, # NOQA self.db_translate_schemas["fcc"], # NOQA self.arfcn_feed_files, self.arfcn_db, "", last_timestamp) self.set_newest_record_time("arfcn", this_timestamp)
[docs] def get_newest_record_time(self, db_type): """Get the newest record time from file in feed dir.""" result = 0 rx = r'^\d{10}$' target_file = "%s.%s" % (self.newest_record_file, db_type) if not os.path.isfile(target_file): print("FeedManager: No record of last update found at %s..." % target_file) # NOQA return result with open(target_file, 'r') as u_file: first_line = u_file.readline().replace('\n', '').replace('.0', '') if re.match(rx, first_line): result = first_line print("FeedManager: Newest DB record timestamp is %s" % Utility.epoch_to_iso8601(result)) # NOQA else: print("FeedManager: Unable to parse newest DB record timestamp: %s from %s" % (first_line, target_file)) # NOQA return result
[docs] def set_newest_record_time(self, db_type, timestamp): """Set the newest record time. Args: timestamp (str): Epoch time to be written to file If not string, will be coerced to string. """ record_file = "%s.%s" % (self.newest_record_file, db_type) with open(record_file, 'w') as u_file: print("FeedManager: Setting newest DB record to %s in %s" % (Utility.epoch_to_iso8601(timestamp), record_file)) # NOQA u_file.write(str(timestamp).replace('.0', '')) return
[docs] @classmethod def reconcile_db(cls, db_schema, db_translate_schema, feed_files, db_file, target_radios, last_update): """Reconcile feed files against the target DB. Args: feed_files (list): List of paths to feed files. db_file (str): Full path to CGI DB file. last_update (str): Epoch time of most recent record in DB Returns: str: Epoch timestamp of most recently updated DB record. """ db_exists = os.path.isfile(db_file) # If DB file does not exist, create it, then rip the DB from file if not db_exists: ts = cls.create_and_populate_db(db_schema, db_translate_schema, feed_files, db_file, target_radios) else: ts = cls.merge_feed_files_into_db(db_schema, db_translate_schema, feed_files, db_file, target_radios, last_update) return ts
[docs] @classmethod def merge_feed_files_into_db(cls, db_schema, db_translate_schema, feed_files, db_file, target_radios, last_upd): """Wrapper for merging feed file data into CGI DB. Args: schema (list): List of fields in DB feed_file (str): Path to feed file to be merged into CGI DB. db_file (str): Path to CGI DB file. last_upd (str): Epoch time stamp, will not attempt to merge any records with timestamps before this time. Returns: str: Most recent timestamp from merged feed file. """ newest_ts_overall = float(0) for feed_file in feed_files: feed_file_exists = os.path.isfile(feed_file) if not feed_file_exists: print("FeedManager: Feed file does not exist: %s" % feed_file) else: newest_ts = cls.dump_csv_to_db(db_schema, db_translate_schema, feed_file, db_file, target_radios, last_upd) if newest_ts > newest_ts_overall: newest_ts_overall = float(newest_ts) return newest_ts_overall
[docs] @classmethod def create_and_populate_db(cls, db_schema, db_translate_schema, feed_files, db_file, target_radios): """Create DB, then merge all records from file. Args: db_schema (list): One K:V set from the top level of feed_db_schema.yaml feed_files (list): List of feed files to be merged. db_file (str): Full path of CGI DB file. Returns: str: Most recent timestamp from merge. """ newest_ts_overall = float(0) # Newest timestamp db_type = db_schema.items()[0][0] cls.create_db(db_file, db_schema) for feed_file in feed_files: feed_file_exists = os.path.isfile(feed_file) if not feed_file_exists: print("FeedManager: Feed file for %s DB does not exist: %s" % (db_type, feed_file)) # NOQA else: newest_ts = cls.dump_csv_to_db(db_schema, db_translate_schema, feed_file, db_file, target_radios) if newest_ts > newest_ts_overall: newest_ts_overall = float(newest_ts) return newest_ts_overall
[docs] @classmethod def should_update_record_epoch(cls, anchor_time, update_time): """Compare timestamps to determine if a record should be updated.""" if update_time > anchor_time: result = True else: result = False return result
[docs] @classmethod def should_update_record_iso(cls, anchor_time, update_time): """Compare timestamps to determine if a record should be updated.""" if (dateutil.parser.parse(update_time) > dateutil.parser.parse(anchor_time)): result = True else: result = False return result
[docs] @classmethod def dump_csv_to_db(cls, db_schema, db_translate_schema, feed_file, db_file, target_radios, last_upd=0): """Merge CSV into DB, taking into account the record update time. Args: db_schema (dict): Dictionary produced from feed_db_schema.yaml. Only one key, ``cgi`` or ``arfcn``. feed_file (str): Path to feed CSV file. db_file (str): Path to sqlite DB file. last_upd (:obj:`int`, optional): Epoch time. Records updated before this date will not be inserted into the DB. """ print("FeedManager: Reconciling %s against %s..." % (feed_file, db_file)) proc_chunk = [] rows_written = 0 rows_examined = 0 latest_timestamp = float(0) db_type = db_schema.items()[0][0] translator = FeedSchemaTranslator(db_translate_schema) print("FeedManager: DB Type: %s" % db_type) db_fields = db_schema[db_type]["fields"] print("FeedManager: DB Fields: %s" % str(db_fields)) with, 'r') as f_file: feed = csv.DictReader(f_file) for row in feed: rows_examined += 1 if db_type == "cgi": row_timestamp = float(row["updated"]) elif db_type == "arfcn": row_timestamp = float(dateutil.parser.parse(row["LAST_ACTION_DATE"]).strftime("%s")) # NOQA if latest_timestamp < row_timestamp: latest_timestamp = row_timestamp if not cls.should_update_record_epoch(last_upd, row_timestamp): # NOQA continue # Allow us to skip all but target radios for CGI DB if "radio" in row: if not row["radio"] in target_radios: continue if not rows_examined % 100000: print("FeedManager: %s rows examined in %s" % (str(rows_examined), feed_file)) # NOQA if len(proc_chunk) < 9999: trans_row = translator.translate_row(row) proc_chunk.append(cls.tup_from_row(db_fields, trans_row)) else: trans_row = translator.translate_row(row) proc_chunk.append(cls.tup_from_row(db_fields, trans_row)) cls.mass_insert(db_type, db_fields, proc_chunk, db_file) rows_written += len(proc_chunk) msg = "FeedManager: %s rows written to %s" % (str(rows_written), db_file) # NOQA print msg proc_chunk = [] cls.mass_insert(db_type, db_fields, proc_chunk, db_file) rows_written += len(proc_chunk) msg = "FeedManager: %s rows examined in %s, %s written to %s. Done." % (str(rows_examined), feed_file, str(rows_written), db_file) # NOQA print msg return latest_timestamp
[docs] @classmethod def mass_insert(cls, table, fields, rows, db_file): """Mass-insert records into the DB. Args: schema (list): List of DB fields. rows (list): List of tuples, each tuple contains values corresponding to the keys in `schema`. db_file (str): Path to sqlite file. """ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file) field_qmarks = ",".join(["?" for x in xrange(len(fields))]) insert_string = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s)" % (table, field_qmarks) conn.executemany(insert_string, rows) conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs] @classmethod def tup_from_row(cls, schema, row): """Convert a row into a tuple, for insertion into DB. Args: schema (list): Field list for DB. row (dict): Row of data. Keys align with items in `schema`. Returns: tuple: Tuple representing values to be inserted into DB, ordered by fields in `schema`. """ retlst = [] for s in schema: retlst.append(row[s]) return tuple(retlst)
[docs] @classmethod def create_db(cls, db_file, db_schema): """Create a DB. This creates either the CGI or ARFCN database. Args: db_file (str): Path to DB file. db_schema (dict): One top-level k:v from feed_db_schema.yaml """ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file) create_table_str = cls.create_db_init_string(db_schema) print("FeedManager: Creating %s with %s" % (db_file, create_table_str)) conn.execute(create_table_str) conn.close()
[docs] @classmethod def place_feed_file(cls, feed_dir, url_base, item_id): """Retrieve and places feed files for use by the Enricher modules. Args: feed_dir (str): Destination directory for feed files url_base (str): Base URL for hosted feed files item_id(str): For FCC, this is the two-letter ("CA" or "TN", for example), which is used in the retrieval of the feed file as well as the construction of the local feed file name. For MCC this is the MCC, but in string form. Not integer. """ destination_file = Utility.construct_feed_file_name(feed_dir, item_id) temp_file = "%s.TEMP" % destination_file origin_url = FeedManager.get_source_url(url_base, item_id) msg = "FeedManager: Downloading %s to %s" % (origin_url, temp_file) print(msg) response = requests.get(origin_url, stream=True) with open(temp_file, 'wb') as out_file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: out_file.write(chunk) time.sleep(1) print("FeedManager: Moving %s to %s" % (temp_file, destination_file)) os.rename(temp_file, destination_file) return destination_file
[docs] @classmethod def get_source_url(cls, url_base, mcc): """Create source URL for MCC file. Args: url_base (str): Base URL for MCC file. mcc (str): MCC for feed file. """ src_url = "%s/%s.csv.gz" % (url_base, mcc) return src_url
[docs] @classmethod def create_db_init_string(cls, db_schema): """Create DB initialization string based on db_schema input. Expects a dictionary like this: {"table_name": {"fields": ["field_1", "field_2" "field_3"], "unique": ["field_1", "field_2"]}} Args: db_schema (dict): Dictionary describing the DB schema """ table_name = db_schema.keys()[0] fields_list = db_schema[table_name]["fields"] create_table = "create table %s" % table_name fields = " varchar, ".join(fields_list) + " varchar," # NOQA unique = ", ".join(db_schema[table_name]["unique"]) result = "%s (%s UNIQUE (%s) ON CONFLICT REPLACE);" % (create_table, fields, unique) return result