Source code for sitchlib.gps_decomposer

"""Decompose GPS Events."""

[docs]class GpsDecomposer(object): """GPS Decomposer."""
[docs] @classmethod def decompose(cls, scan_document): """Decompose a GPS event. Args: scan_document (dict): Geo json from GPS device. Returns: list: One two-item tuple in list. Position 0 is `gps`, position 1 is the validated geo scan. If the scan doesn't validate, an empty list is returned. """ results_set = [("gps", scan_document)] if not GpsDecomposer.scan_document_is_valid(scan_document): print("GpsDecomposer: Bad GPS fix: %s" % (scan_document)) return [] else: return results_set
[docs] @classmethod def scan_document_is_valid(cls, scan_document): """Validate the scan document.""" is_valid = False if "location" in scan_document: if "coordinates" in scan_document["location"]: if scan_document["location"]["coordinates"] != [0, 0]: is_valid = True return is_valid