Source code for sitchlib.location_tool

"""Location tools library."""

from geoip import geolite2
from haversine import haversine

[docs]class LocationTool(object): """Class with location-oriented functions."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_geo_for_ip(cls, ip_address): """Get geo coordinates for IP address. Args: ip_address (str): IP address. """ match = geolite2.lookup(ip_address) try: lat_lon = match.location coords = {"lat": lat_lon[0], "lon": lat_lon[1]} return coords except: msg = "LocationTool: Can't get geo for %s" % ip_address print(msg) return None
[docs] @classmethod def validate_geo(cls, latlon): """Validate that lon/lat are valid numbers for Planet Earth""" lat = float(latlon[0]) lon = float(latlon[1]) valid = True if lat < -90: valid = False elif lat > 90: valid = False elif lon < -180: valid = False elif lon > 180: valid = False else: pass return valid
[docs] @classmethod def get_distance_between_points(cls, point_1, point_2): """Calculate distance between points. Args: point_1 (tuple): (lon, lat) for first point. point_2 (tuple): (lon, lat) for second point. Returns: int: Kilometers between `point_1` and `point_2`. """ if None in [point_1, point_2]: print("LocationTool: Invalid geo value. Returning 0 for distance.") distance = 0 elif cls.validate_geo(point_1) is False: print("LocationTool: Invalid geo lat/lon value(%s). Distance = 0." % str(point_1)) # NOQA distance = 0 elif cls.validate_geo(point_2) is False: print("LocationTool: Invalid geo lat/lon value(%s). Distance = 0." % str(point_2)) # NOQA distance = 0 else: point_1 = (float(point_1[0]), float(point_1[1])) point_2 = (float(point_2[0]), float(point_2[1])) distance = haversine(point_1, point_2) return distance